Yr6 Step Back in Time

Victorian Evening Celebration: On Monday the 21st of November, Year 6 invited their friends and families to come to a Victorian evening celebration. It was an opportunity for the children to show off their learning from the past term.
The school hall was transformed into an open exhibition centre where visitors could visit stalls, sample wares and try their hand at Victorian arts and crafts. There was Victorian food to taste: including jelly and custard, cream coronets, sponge cake and plum duff.
Traditional Victorian toys were displayed and you could make your own thaumatrope (a spinning optical illusion toy popular in Victorian times). An exhibition of art showed pupils' work from silhouettes to wall paper based on William Morris's designs.
People were inspired by the engineering genius of Isambard Kingdom Brunel and attempted to build their own suspension bridges. Other stalls featured Victorian inventions and presented information on Queen Victoria.
The evening finished with two performances written by the children; plays about child labour in Victorian England. The exhibition was a huge success and the staff and parents were extremely proud of the talented and clever Year 6!
Mr Burton & Mrs Hancock
Year 6 Team