Local MP recreates Parliament

Local MP recreates Parliament at LMPS
On Friday, 10th of May, Year 6 were visited by Michael Tomlinson MP and one of the local councillors. They quickly organised the children into the House of Commons and re-enacted a session of Parliament including waving papers and standing for questions. Mr Tomlinson explained how democracy and Parliament work and assigned the children roles such as Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition. The children chose to introduce a bill on banning homework and engaged in debate for both sides. There were great arguments for both positions but in the end the 'ayes' to the right outnumbered the 'noes' to the left and homework was banned! The children also then had an opportunity to ask questions including what the government is doing about climate change and the lack of education for girls in Afghanistan. It was an excellent and informative session, and the children were complimented on their behaviour and their involvement. It was a great way to learn about UK Government and democracy.