RSPB visit – Year 3.

Last half term Year 3 had a fantastic visit from The RSPB, they came in to talk to us about animal habitats and discussed with the children where animals live and why.
As a year group we looked at a map of the school and the RSPB explained that we would be going on a walk to identify the various animal habitats we have at LMPS and then discussing how we could improve the school grounds, so even more animals can live within our site. The children then went outside and marked each habitat on their maps using stickers, before going back inside to discuss what they had found. At LMPS we have a good variety of animal habitats, however we could improve these by introducing bat boxes and more bird feeders around the school. It was lovely to see the children so engaged and enjoying the beautiful school grounds that we are so fortunate to have.
Year 3 Team.